The notch is designed to avoid this bump in the back of the Jeep. Without cutting the notch out, this bump puts pressure on the rear of the rack, causing a pronounced "bowing in" effect:
Before installation, I cleaned up the rear compartment and rattle-can painted it white (both for cosmetic reasons as well as to avoid rust):
I lowered the rack into place, using a floor jack to keep it from dropping all the way down yet:
I did this because I need to put sealer around it. I used GE Silicone II, as used in the Porsche:
I gooped a very wide bead all around the hole:
Then lowered the rack in place, installed the bolts, and put the batteries into their final locations:
Next: work beckons once again, but I may find a few spare moments to build the second seat rack or perhaps to finish the upper rear rack.
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